Elist Clinic

Alcohol Binge Drinking

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Alcohol Binge Drinking

Alcohol Binge Drinking refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol in a single session within a short period of time. In the United States, the consumption of five or more drinks by a man and four or more drinks by woman at a time at least once in two weeks is considered binge drinking.


How is Binge Drinking Harmful

Statistics reveal that over 38 million adults consume more than the standard alcohol limit at least four times a month.

Over-consumption of alcohol is not good for overall health. Some of the short-term dangers of binge drinking include:

Excessive use of alcohol could result in alcohol poisoning that can prove fatal. Too much alcohol can depress the nerves that control reflex actions and prevent choking. It can stop these critical functions, result in instant death.

Moreover, alcohol is an irritant that causes stomach problems and bloating. From the stomach, it continues to enter the bloodstream. Excessive alcohol drinking raises the risk of vomiting and choking on vomit, which can prove fatal and cause death by asphyxiation. Further, blood alcohol concentration of a person can continue to rise despite vomiting or urinating.

Long-term harms of alcohol binge drinking include developing physical or psychological dependence upon alcohol. Heavy episodic drinking can cause alcohol dependency, which makes you crave for alcohol and reaching out to it at any cost.



Excessive Alcohol Consumption Risks

Alcohol binge drinking can impair judgment. Those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to be overweight and suffer from blood pressure problems.

For healthy men and women, two standard drinks on any day are considered safe and reduce the risk of alcohol-related disease or injury, and anything more than the standard drink limit can raise the risk of poisoning and disease.

Pregnant, lactating females and teenage children below 18 years of age should avoid alcohol consumption to stay safe from the potential dangers of drinking.

If you think you or a loved one has a binge drinking problem, it is important to consider assistance to overcome the problem.


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