Vasectomy | Benefits and Risks


Vasectomy | Benefits and Risks Vasectomy is a permanent form of contraception. During this procedure, the vas deferens is cut surgically. It is the duct that allows the passage of the sperms from the testes to the urethra. Cutting this duct prevents the sperms from reaching urethra and being released during ejaculation. After undergoing a vasectomy operation, [...]

Vasectomy | Benefits and Risks2015-05-11T16:16:37-07:00

Psychological Stress & Adrenaline


Psychological Stress & Adrenaline Stress can be defined as the response mechanism of our body to a threat situation wherein in our body feels that it is not well equipped to cope up with the consequences. When our body perceives any kind of danger, it immediately prepares for a ‘fight or flight’ reaction to the [...]

Psychological Stress & Adrenaline2015-05-08T17:49:28-07:00

Classification of STDs


Classification of STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) often referred to as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), are caused by different types of bacteria, viruses, and at times by tiny insects. STDs are passed from person to person through sexual contact with penis, vagina, rectum, or mouth. A sexual encounter with a person suffering from STDs can [...]

Classification of STDs2015-05-06T16:26:15-07:00

Yeast Infections Prevention. How Can I Prevent Yeast Infections?


How Can I Prevent Yeast Infections? For middle-aged and young women, yeast infections are an irritable condition. Poor diet and antibiotics can destroy friendly bacteria in your body, causing an overgrowth of bad or infection-causing bacteria, often resulting in yeast infections. Often a yeast infection is the result of an imbalance of the vaginal flora [...]

Yeast Infections Prevention. How Can I Prevent Yeast Infections?2015-05-04T16:06:25-07:00

Prostate Cancer Prevention


Prostate Cancer Prevention Prostate cancer prevention is possible if you can make a few lifestyle changes and choose healthier eating habits that will improve your overall health. It is also important to reduce the risk factors that cause prostate cancer.   Eat Healthy Choosing healthy eating habits, with a focus on low fat foods, may [...]

Prostate Cancer Prevention2015-05-01T22:02:54-07:00

Prostate Surgery Types


Prostate Surgery Types The medical term for complete or partial surgical removal of the prostate gland is prostatectomy. The two most important reasons for undertaking prostatectomy are Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH) and prostate cancer. Sometimes, persistent bleeding through prostate gland or problems related to urination may also warrant the need of surgical removal of the [...]

Prostate Surgery Types2015-04-29T18:08:21-07:00

Soda Increases the Risk of Prostate Cancer


Soda Increases the Risk of Prostate Cancer Soda is one of the most commonly consumed beverages in the whole world. In the United States alone, 57 gallons of soda are consumed per person per year. There are numerous harmful affects associated with the consumption of soda on a regular basis. Soda drinks are high on [...]

Soda Increases the Risk of Prostate Cancer2015-04-27T15:38:22-07:00

Small Penis Syndrome


Small Penis Syndrome Small penis syndrome is a condition in which a man is unduly worried about his penis being too small. It is a psychiatric condition more to do with anxiety rather than anything to do with the actual size of the penis. Micropenis, on the other hand, is a medical condition in which [...]

Small Penis Syndrome2015-04-24T15:59:46-07:00

Erectile Dysfunction and Obesity


Erectile Dysfunction and Obesity Obesity is linked to a number of health conditions. Surprisingly, it could be one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction. Risk factors for erectile dysfunction include obesity, diabetes, age, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. Obese or overweight men are more likely to have elevated cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease. [...]

Erectile Dysfunction and Obesity2015-04-22T15:25:46-07:00