History of Penile Enlargement
The subject of penile enhancement has a long history. Surprisingly, bigger has always been considered better even during prehistoric times. In the primitive times, there was a strong urge among men to achieve a certain penis size in certain cultures across the globe. Stone phalluses from prehistoric times and even statues and hieroglyphs of those times prove that it was the size of their penis that helped men reach higher levels of power.
History of Penile Enhancement
About 2000 years ago, historical evidence claims that African men from certain tribes would hang weights from genitals as a method of penile enhancement. Surprisingly, this method is still popular among many African tribes, despite its damaging effects.
Young Arab men would practice jelqing or massaging the penis every day to encourage growth. Meanwhile, in Egypt, young men there were instructed to hang small weights to the end of their penis
Earlier, Chinese men were known to use a variety of herbs for penile enhancement. However, evidence also proves that in China, patients were asked to eat the testicles and penises of some animals to grow longer and thicker penis and enhance libido.
In Brazil, records show that men from Topinama tribe would use a poisonous snake for penis enlargement. This might sound strange to the modern man, but the Topinama tribesmen would let the snake bite them on the penis, following which they would suffer excruciating pain for almost six months.
In Borneo, men have even gone to the extent of inserting metal rods in their penis to maintain a permanent erection. Gradually, this practice acclaimed widespread popularity, and men began piercing their privates to impress women.
World’s First Penis Pump Designed for Penile Enhancement
In the beginning of the 20th century, an Austrian doctor Otto Lederer (Otto Lederer Wiki Page) is credited with the invention of first penis pump, which was designed to draw more blood into the penis in order to make it larger both in length and girth. The device became widely popular throughout the country as well as around the world.
Following this invention, penile enhancement devices began to appear all over the world. Eventually traction devices came up and penis enlargement devices and vacuum style pumps became popular with men from different walks of life. This was the beginning of the expansion of male enhancement industry, with a wide array of high quality vacuum pumps, penis extenders, male enhancement devices, and supplements coming up following years of research and clinical trials.
Men’s Desire For Bigger Penis
The history of penile enhancement shows that men have always had the eternal desire for a bigger penis. The recent technological advances have given plenty of options for penis enhancement. With the advent of the 20th century, there have been advancements in surgical procedures for penis enlargement.
No wonder, men continue to be obsessed with the size of their penis, and advancements in medicine are only bringing to the fore latest techniques to enhance penis size. Even natural herbs continue to be used today to enhance the penis and improve libido or sexual appetite.
Invention of Subcutaneous Silicone Penile Implant
However, it was not until the year 2000, where an actual medical breakthrough in the science behind penile enhancement occurred. With Dr. James Elist’s 510(K) cleared by FDA innovative the subcutaneous soft silicone penile implant, this provided the first tangible and instantly evident method by which the penis can be enlarged. With measurable gains immediately notable, it has revolutionized and provided a concrete answer to a field where myths, superstition and archaic means of enhancement once were the only option.
After well over 1000+ procedures successfully completed, the Elist subcutaneous soft silicone penile implant has finally shed light on the age old question of, “Is there a scientifically proven method to enhance a male penis?” With as many success stories as Dr. Elist has completed, finally, the apparent answer is “yes!”