Saw Palmetto for your Libido

Saw Palmetto for your Libido

Saw Palmetto is a naturally occurring herb or berry that is derived from the drupe of saw palmetto plant. This plant is native to southeastern US. Research indicates that saw palmetto is rich in high quality fatty acids and sterols that can help in boosting health.

Saw palmetto can be obtained via tinctures or capsules or you can consume the berry in its raw form.

What are some health benefits of Saw Palmetto?

There are several health benefits of Saw palmetto; the key benefits are listed below:

  • Prostate health: Saw Palmetto is very frequently advised to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). According to latest statistics reported by American Urological Association, about 50% males over the age of 60 have some degree of symptomatic prostatic hyperplasia that manifests as urological complaints such as difficulty urinating, urinary retention, increased frequency or urgency of urination, recurrent episodes of urinary tract infection etc. unfortunately, as a man ages, the risk of developing prostate growth/ hyperplasia increases and about 90% men have some degree of symptomatic BPH at the age of 90. Research indicates that more than 2 million US adults use Saw Palmetto for the management of their BPH symptoms. This herb exerts its action by slowing down the growth (at times even reversing the growth of prostate gland) by breaking down the testosterone hormone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • Natural source to boost Fertility and Testosterone levels: Saw palmetto is known to improve libido and boost fertility by balancing serum levels of testosterone.
  • Hair growth: By reducing testosterone levels (and influence on the peripheral tissues), Saw Palmetto can also improve hair fall or male pattern baldness in males.

Other health benefits of Saw Palmetto are:

  • Lower risk of developing impotence – Saw Palmetto improves male sexual functions and enhance male libido.
  • Boosting immunity – Saw Palmetto boost immunity and reduce the risk of developing certain cancers and organic lesions.
  • Prevention against prostate malignancy and other organic ailments
  • Treating urinary tract infections

It is highly recommended not to initiate the Saw Palmetto use without consulting with your primary care provider. Saw Palmetto is an herb and is therefore not a treatment or drug of choice for serious medical or health issues. Saw Palmetto may also cross-react with certain drugs (such as blood thinners) and should therefore be consumed with caution if you take other pharmacological preparations for a certain indication.

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